Coping with Change – The New Normal

1 day course
What you will learn:
  • Understand how change can impact you
  • Define what you have control over when change happens
  • Develop healthy coping strategies
  • Use the four ‘A’s to deal with stressful situations
What you'll get:
Lunch and refreshments
Hard copy workbook
Capped Class Size
What you will learn:
  • Understand how change can impact you
  • Define what you have control over when change happens
  • Develop healthy coping strategies
  • Use the four ‘A’s to deal with stressful situations
What you'll get:
Courseware and Handouts
Capped Class Size
Post Course Support
This course is ideal for:

Any individuals or team members going through change, in and outside of work.


Course Prerequisites

A working computer with a microphone and speaker installed.  No software needs to be installed before training session however, we require an up-to-date web browser. For the best experience we recommend downloading the latest Google Chrome browser.

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Topics covered in this training course

Understanding what change really is, and that you are not weak or old-fashioned if you experience loss caused by change

Change is difficult because it’s perceived as a threat on a cellar level

Recognise the underpinning phases of transition and the state changes puts people into

Define resilience and identify how resilience helps us cope with change.

There are varying degrees of resilience within and between people. Practicing these traits will put you on track to building more resilient habits.

Assess yourself against a range of resilient factors and identify coping mechanisms that will help you better cope with change.

Implement a set of strategies that work specifically for you to build your resilience and cope with change in more manageable ways.

When faced with changes you cannot control, move away from feeling powerless and angry by looking at the opportunities you can control and working towards them.

Managing stress is the same as increasing your resilience; you need to take charge

Avoid, alter, adapt or accept – the choice is yours

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