Report Writing
- Distinguish between different types of business reports
- Write according to the report’s purpose and target audience
- Apply a clear and logical structure
- Meet the objective of each separate section
- Adapt your writing style to support the report’s purpose
- Present a professional business document
This course has been developed for anyone who wants to learn techniques to improve the content, structure and professionalism of their reports to ensure they’re clear and easily understood.
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Understand key business reporting considerations
Review common types of reports: information reports, analytical reports and proposals
Adopt planning techniques to assist ideation and structure
Focus on the transfer of knowledge and decision outcomes
Understand the audience’s perspective and accommodate for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK) learning styles
Identifying, researching and analysing data
Use navigable structures to improve usability
Understand the value of this reporting element
Guidelines for writing title pages, introductions, conclusions and recommendations
Use communication styles and language to promote positive outcomes
Apply professional business standards